It is with great pleasure that we present the twelfth volume of Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology (2024). Since its inclusion in the UGC-CARE list in June 2017, the journal has garnered continued recognition, which, while a rewarding achievement, also brings the challenge of meeting growing demand and expectations. Selecting articles from a wide range of multidisciplinary fields was a significant task for both the editorial team and the reviewers. This volume has been planned as a special issue dedicated to the Archaeological Excavations at Vadnagar (2016–2022). The electronic form of the journal is made available on the official website, which is open access in nature ( We would like to reiterate our policy on promoting the online version, which is open access and inexpensive to reach all alike. We thankfully acknowledge the University of Kerala for solely funding the publication of this journal in online and print form.
Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology
Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology a peer-reviewed international journal of archaeology founded in 2013 is owned by Department of Archaeology, University of Kerala. This journal is devoted to the publication of the good quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of archaeology including multidisciplinary ones. This annually published journal is open access in nature as we believe in dissemination of knowledge rather than profit making.Latest Volume

Dr. Rajesh S V
EditorDepartment of Archaeology, University of Kerala Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala
India - 695581
email :
Phone (Off) : +91 471-2308053
(Res) : +91 471-2269923
Mobile : +91 9497078573, 9426536305

Dr. Abhayan G S
EditorDepartment of Archaeology, University of Kerala Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala
India - 695581
email :
Phone (Off) : +91 471-2308053
(Res) : +91 9846276539
Mobile : +91 9846276539

Dr. Preeta Nayar
EditorDepartment of Archaeology, University of Kerala Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala
India - 695581
email :
Phone (Off) : +91 471-2308053
(Res) : +91 9495626707
Mobile : +91 9495626707